Raw Vegetable and Fruit Juices For Treating Various Diseases

Juice therapy is one of the widely used naturopathy used in treating a number of diseases. Raw vegetables and fruit juices are highly beneficial in cleansing the body system and rejuvenating the body. Always use only fresh fruits, vegetables or sprouted grains. Any usage of rotten, stale or cut food items kept for long time may result in infections as there is rapid microorganism activity in these items. Almost for all types of disease juices can be used as they give a lot of mental and physical energy. It is advisable to have only one type of juice at a time and use only seasonal (less expensive) fresh fruits and vegetables.

There are various types of juices - sweet juices (grapes); sub acid fruits (apple); acid fruit juice (lemon and orange); green leaf vegetables (cabbage); juices from root vegetables (carrot and beetroot); vegetables fruits (cucumber). Juice of sweet fruits can be mixed with sub acid fruits. Juices of green leaf vegetables can be mixed with root vegetables. Juice of acid fruits may be mixed with sub acid fruits or vegetable fruits.

There are specific fruit and vegetable juices meant for specific diseases. Some critical fruits and vegetables used in common diseases are as below:
1. Acidity- Grapes and oranges

2. Acne- Carrot and cucumber

3. Allergies- Carrot and grapes

4. Kurang darah- Beet and carrot

5. Arthritis- Pineapple and spinach

6. Asthma- Pineapple and radish

7. Bronchitis- Carrot, onion and tomato

8. Bladder diseases- Apple, carrot, cucumber and lemon

9. Common Cold- Orange and onion

10. Constipation- Apple, carrot and onion

11. Colitis- Beet and cucumber

12. Diabetes- Carrot and citrus fruits

13. Diarrhea- Carrot and papaya

14. Eczema- Carrot and red grapes

15. Eye diseases- Apricot and tomato

16. Gout- Carrot and tomato

17. Head ache- Lemon

18. Heart diseases- Carrot and lemon

19. High blood pressure- Grapes and orange

20. Influenza- Grape fruit and orange

21. Tidak bisa tidur- Grape fruit and orange

22. Jaundice- Carrot and cucumber

23. Kidney disorders- Apple and orange

24. Liver Diseases- Grapes and tomato

25. Obesity- Lemon and orange

26. Hemorrhoids- Papaya and turnip

27. Enlarged prostate- Asparagus and carrot

28. Sinus - Carrot and onion

29. Tonsillitis- Lemon and orange

30. Varicose veins- Carrot and orange
Use fruit juice is useful to patients and the healthy. In modern times, we can easily prepare homemade fruit juice. Featuring fruits, cold person who is suffering from fever and body gives cooling comfort tummy soon be made available for use is recovered. When the fever due to dry skin of the patient's body, the skin will become dry lips on his body warm up should be plenty of juice in this condition. It causes fever lessens and energy into the patient. Orange juice is zudhzm. Pineapple, pomegranates, carrots, cherry, raspberry, apple and other fruit such as fresh juice exhilarate profit and power.

If a person is suffering from dyspepsia patients using fresh fruit juice should be continued until fifteen to twenty days are certainly complain to him indigestion. I understand that digest food through the stomach, which is a juice. If the patient should be conducted using juice from the stomach becomes even more errors in the juice. Those who complain that they have liver damage from overuse of the fruit.

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